
Transit Futures & Immersive Community Engagement

Mindy Justis from MurphyEpson to share their cutting edge community engagement campaign with Central Ohio Transit Authority's LinkUS plan, recently approved by Columbus voters.

For our 4th webinar, we were honored to host Mindy Justis from MurphyEpson to share their cutting edge community engagement campaign with Central Ohio Transit Authority's LinkUS plan, recently approved by Columbus voters. To materialize COTA’s commitment to making city planning accessible and relatable, Murphy Epson helped transform complex information into engaging, human-scale stories through narrative, event programming, and expert use of inCitu's Augmented Reality platform. Since the launch, more than 2,073 individuals interacted with the future plan on its actual site using inCitu! Participants will learn best practices for integrating AR into a multi-layered, experiential public awareness campaign, and how to visualize both transit infrastructure and the walkable urban density that comes with it.

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